Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mother's Day...

When I downloaded the most recent pictures off my camera, I realized that I was obviously behind...I never posted Mother's Day.

I told Matt that I didn't want him and the kids to make a big deal out of Mother's Day because honestly, it's just not that big of a deal to me.  All I asked was that I could take a Sunday afternoon nap, which really isn't asking for anything special because we all take a nap EVERY Sunday.  It's just what we do!  

But...while I was getting ready for church, Matt and the kids did a little something for me, which was a super fun surprise...

The kids actually wanted to paint canvases the Saturday before Mother's Day so I agreed to that and then Anna Lauren decided to make them "Mother's Day".  I knew what Cooper brought home from school (I'm as pretty as my shirt...ha ha), but Anna Lauren hid hers until Mother's Day.  And the plates were my big surprise...oh...and the robots Cooper/Matt painted.  Cannot help but love having a little boy!

Surprising Mommy...

Checking out all my goodies...they were so proud!

Headed to church...

One of the many hats I wear...being their mom!  Not going to say it is always easy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

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