Sunday, June 29, 2014

Off to Nanna's...

The plan for several weeks was for Anna Lauren to spend this past week with Nanna in Brookhaven.  She was going to go to Brookhaven with Nanna after cheer on Tuesday, and to this day, no one knows what happened other than she started crying and wanted to stay at home with us.  Obviously, there is a first for everything. It took a QUICK second for Cooper to figure out sister was not going, and he was packing his suitcase because he was going to go if she didn't go.  So...we threw some clothes in a suitcase and off he went for the second week this summer.

And...I'm so thrilled because Nanna has finally learned to use her phone to take pictures and send to me throughout the week.  I LOVE it!  

Here goes what my week looked like via pictures and texts...

I was not expecting him to be gone last week so he missed his hair cut appointment.  No worries...he went to the barber shop in Brookhaven and got a big boy hair cut.  That was cool because Ms. Mary cut his hair and she cuts Uncle Brad's and Uncle Terry's.  

He also got some SUPER fast new tennis shoes, which he needed so bad. Maybe not the ones I would have picked, but he LOVES them, and I'm so thankful Nanna bought them for him. He's happy, I'm happy!

There are very few days that go by that Cooper doesn't say Uncle Jo Jo or Ashton...I cannot even explain how much he loves them and especially their house in the country.  He and Nanna spent one day in the country with Ashton and Bently.  Mom said Cooper wasn't sure what to think about the garden and honestly, the poor city kid has probably never even seen a garden.

Ashton and Bently helped him pick a few things...

Then he was off the diving board...

Such a happy kid...smiles, smiles, and more smiles!  I love it!

On Friday, they played at Aunt Carrie's...since Aunt Carrie has six kids, this is sure to be a fun time!

As Anna Lauren says, Aunt Carrie has her own little subdivision so it's tons of fun there!

Scratching his many choices of ride on toys!

Little Fisher...

On Saturday, they headed back to Uncle Jo Jo's and played a little while before we got there.  Cooper loves watermelon, and he knows watermelon comes from Uncle Jo Jo's garden.  Well, the watermelon aren't ready but Jo Jo bought one and put it in the garden to make him think he picked a watermelon.  Love it! 

When I got to Jo Jo's yesterday, Cooper was so very proud of his watermelon.  On the way home last night, he got mad at me because I wouldn't let him ride home with it in his lap.  Just thought it was a little heavy to ride in his lap 1.5 hours.

And now sister is having her turn with Nanna...cannot wait to see what pictures I get from them this week.  She's a little "cooler" than Cooper so she will probably tell Nanna to not send me pictures...sad!

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