Friday, February 9, 2018

1st Grade Program/Brown Bag Breakfast...

This morning Anna Lauren and I got to go to our favorite first graders program/brown bag breakfast.  Matt started a new job this week so he thought he should skip out this one time...Cooper was super sweet about it and seemed to understand.

Big smile when he spotted his mommy and sister in the audience...

Sweet little boy sang his little heart out...he was loving every minute of being on stage!!!

If you talk to Cooper about school, you will often hear about a sweet little girl named Paige Riley.  I mean look at this can see why he would talk about her!!!

He was SO excited about his speaking part...

He was supposed to wear red, white, and blue...we went rounds and rounds because I thought he should wear "church clothes".  He thought that was the craziest thing he had ever heard.  Clearly...he won, and I'm trying to do better of letting him be who he is.  I worry about image way too much, and he could care less...he wants to be who he wants to be and others can like it or not.

Pretty sure he is thinking...I "nailed it"...

His sweet little class...

This boy has my heart (and he knows it)...

So glad they are at the same school and can go to each other's programs...he was just as excited she was there as she was to be there.  She did have to leave pretty quickly because she wasn't missing her recess...ha ha!!!

Spending time with these first graders made for a perfect Friday morning!!!

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