Saturday, March 5, 2016

February Opportunities...

I started the year off all big and bad and said I was going to take at least one Millsaps student to lunch and have at least one Millsaps student over for dinner each month.  Well, I looked at my February calendar and realized that may not be the case (you have to be home to have people over).  So...I opted to take two students to lunch.  

I love me some basketball girls so they are usually my "go to"...I was actually excited to take Kasi because I had heard she was needing some love and attention.  She is an incoming freshman who was getting to play almost the entire game...until...she tore her ACL at Rhodes on January 31st.  She was devastated, her parents are in Houston, and she just needed a little "happy" to make her feel better.  So...we went to her favorite place, Wing Stop, and had a good lunch talking about basketball, school, family, etc.  I look forward to getting to know her better and watch her play the next 3 years...I think she has so much potential both academically and in athletics.  

Kala is a junior so I have known her for a couple years.  But when I took Kasi to lunch, she told me Kala was jealous so of course, she was next on my list. Kala has been fun to watch because I feel like she has matured so much this year...last year she seemed to be the girl that just jumped on someone else's back and rolled with it. This year I have seen her come out of her shell a little bit around campus, be more engaged in her school work, and continue to be great on the basketball court.  But one thing I for sure love about Kala is that she loves my kids and will talk to them, hug on them, play basketball with them, etc.  Love watching these older girls love on my little ones.

March is just as crazy as February was, but I am going to try my best to have one lunch and one dinner.  I think it may sometimes be more rewarding to me than the kids.

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