This morning we looked out our front door to see snowflakes falling and the ground covered by snow...what a beautiful sight!
Anna Lauren watching the kids across the street throwing snow balls...
Looking down the street...
Of course, Anna Lauren refused to take a picture with us...she was not very interested in the snow at all. I'm thinking maybe because it was a "wet" snow...
Michael and Jennifer (next door neighbors)...Jennifer was the only "cute" one on the street...she actually got up and got ready so her pictures would be good...
Matt's 1st attempt at building a snowman...after being made fun of, he realized that yes, using the wagon was going to make a "square" snowman and snowmen are supposed to be round...come to find out, he had never built a snowman in his life and didn't know you were supposed to roll the snow and make a ball...we helped him! The poor "beach" boy who has never seen this much snow!
Emily and Ann Hardie (more neighbors)...
The "sad" family of snowmen...they were missing some things, but you get the idea!
Matt standing proudly by his 3 snowmen...
Wow...almost 5 inches of snow...AND...still falling!
The girls were not very interested in the snow so they decided playing inside would be more fun...left to right ~ Ann Hardie, Anna Lauren, and baby Emily...
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