Friday, April 13, 2012

A Horrible Experience...

Our Anna Lauren is officially ready for kindergarten but the last step definitely did not come easy for her or us.  The last step was her 5 year old check up ~ urine sample, height, weight, blood pressure, hearing, vision, finger prick, and last but not least 3 shots.

We breezed through everything until the finger prick.  The lady from the lab came in to do the finger prick and she immediately started screaming LOUD..."I want Ms. Renee, Dr. Joe's nurse, I want Ms. Renee".  The nice lady from the lab went and got Ms. Renee to do the finger prick...there was some crying but nothing out of control.

Dr. Joe, who she likes, comes in for her exam.  Once it got time to examine her, she went crazy...kicking, screaming, crying..."I want my Mommy, don't put me on the table, etc".  Dr. Joe and Matt pretty much held her down and within a few minutes the exam was done.

And last but not least...the 3 shots.  Several of her friends have already gotten their shots so she knew they were coming.  We also have the kid who is very "aware" and asks many questions so there was really no way to hide this from her.  So...the nurse comes in...shots in hand.  Anna Lauren backs herself into a corner and starts screaming extremely LOUD..."please don't do this to me, please don't do this to me".  We try calming her down (wasn't going to happen) and everything else imaginable.  Finally after about 10 minutes of this craziness Dr. Joe comes in and he and Matt literally use all their strength to hold her down...Dr. Joe had her upper body and Matt her lower body.  The whole time she is screaming..."I want my Mommy, I want my Mommy".  At this point I'm crying, she's crying, it was horrible I tell you. is all done!  Matt told Dr. Joe sorry...he said, "no worries...not even in the top 10".  Really...I cannot imagine any worse!  Then he gave me a big hug and said it was ok and we were all good until she turns 11.  Oh wait...except the flu shot every year!

After we left, she cried for a good 20 minutes...but...a new outfit and shoes for her bear from Build A Bear made it all better. 

On a happy note, she is in the 93rd percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height.  Dr. Joe predicts her to be at least 5'9"...sounds good to me!  And her hearing and vision are good!

1 comment:

meurrier said...

Oh, goodness... I'm dreading this! We go May 4th, and I have a feeling it's going to be BAD!