Saturday, September 30, 2017

Cooper's "7th" Birthday...

It's a little hard to believe, but Cooper turned "7" this past Thursday...


It's just tradition at our house to have a little "breakfast party" at home before we head off to school and work...


The week leading up to Cooper's birthday he asked me several times if we were going to have that "morning party"...


I may have to stay up late to decorate and get up at 4:30 AM, but I cannot imagine not having the "morning party"...

He also asked several times if he could open a few presents before he went to were ready and waiting! 

As was the football cookie cake and plates he picked to share with his class at school...

We woke up our favorite seven year old and he went straight to the presents...

Made this momma smile to see him SO excited over a "big boy" Bible.  I told him it was the most important book he would ever read!!!

This was the year of money...he asked everyone to give him money so there were lots of dollar bills.

After presents he was ready for a little happy birthday singing and donuts...

Lunch at school is another birthday tradition of ours...

He picked his friend, James, to have lunch with us...

We gave him $50 one dollar bills, but I wrapped them in five different boxes so he could get 5 presents/$10 at a time throughout the day.  

This little boy right here has my heart...he is the sweetest, funniest, most loving, sports loving little boy!!!

Think it's just as much of a treat for Daddy and Mommy as it is for them to have lunch together on special days...

Nanna surprised him and was there to pick him up when school got out so he didn't have to go to after school.  He is NOT a fan of after school so that was a huge treat, and he was excited!!!  

After baseball practice, we ended the big day with a few more gifts and dinner at Mexican.

Not sure who had more fun...Cooper or us getting to spoil him on his special day???  We love celebrating birthdays, and we REALLY love this little "7" year old boy of ours!!!

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