Thursday, June 4, 2009

Need Money...

Out of the blue last week, I had this conversation with Anna Lauren:

Anna Lauren: I need money.

Mommy: I don't have any money.

Anna Lauren: Daddy have money?

Mommy: No, Daddy doesn't have any money.

Anna Lauren: Pop Pop has money.

Mommy: Well, you better call Pop Pop and ask him for some money.

Matt called his dad for Anna Lauren and plain as day, she said to him...Pop Pop, I need money. And guess what...she received $6 in the mail yesterday from Pop Pop. After she opened the money, we had this conversation:

Anna Lauren: Put it in my bank...oh...Pop Pop would be so proud of her for saving!

Mommy: Are you sure you don't want to buy something with the money?

Anna Lauren: Yeah...I buy flip flops...uh oh...Pop Pop may not like to hear she is a "girl" like the rest of us that loves shoes!

Anna Lauren: Here have $1.

Mommy and Daddy: You are so sweet...thanks for sharing.

Then it was time to leave home for school...we'll figure out tonight what to do with the money. On behalf of Anna Lauren, thanks so much for the money Pop Pop!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Christy said...

So cute! They sure do learn about money quickly! Mine sure have!