Sunday, January 4, 2015

We Are Ready for 2015...

We have enjoyed a much needed two week break from work, school, homework, practices, packing lunches, etc.  We spent time with friends, we spent time with family, we traveled, we stayed up late, we slept late, we wore pajamas all day some days, and we have just enjoyed being together.  But...all good things must come to an end...right?

Tomorrow the alarm will go off before 5 AM, and we will get right back into our crazy busy routine of work, school, homework, practices, etc.  And that is is a new year, and we are ready to see what 2015 has in store for our family.

This little planner may not mean anything to most, but it means ALOT to me...this little book keeps our family organized and where we need to be when we need to be there.  I keep it close to me at all times.  I've written down all 2015 dates, and I'm ready to tackle another year...

And thankfully our first full week of January is not too overwhelming...yes, there are weeks when there is no blank space left to write anything.

Here we go...we can do this!

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