Saturday, July 21, 2018

Cruise Vacation ~ Day 8...

We woke up on day 8 back in Galveston and quickly realized "back to reality" was right around the corner...

Cooper had one last request before we got off the a little ping pong.  The boys played while we waited our turn to get off...

Sadly we were oh so close to being back in the "real world"...but look at my big kids that can now help carry luggage!!!

The lines were longer than usual so we were patiently waiting to go through customs...

It's kind of crazy getting on the ship and off the ship...thankfully our car was only a few blocks away so we opted to walk to our car rather than wait in line for a shuttle.  Again, thankful for big kids that can help with the luggage!!!

And last but not least we showed Anna Lauren the gas station where we stopped/called 911 in Beaumont, Texas on our way to the cruise.  Looking from the interstate was good enough for all of us. This summer she has been diagnosed with benign rolandic epilepsy.  This is best case scenario and something she should hopefully outgrow by the age 15.  For now, we can treat it by monitoring her sleep or as the doctor says by being a sleep nazi.  Yes, we are still a little nervous but so thankful it is not anything worse...this we can handle!!!

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