Thursday, September 4, 2008

Five Years of Happiness...

This past Saturday, August 30th, Matt and I celebrated our 5th anniversary. And you know, I just do not even know where to start because there is no way I could put into words how amazing the past five years have been and how much I love my husband! I did spend some time looking through some pictures and found a couple pictures that put a big smile on my has been a great five years, and I look forward to so many more with Matthew!

This was us at our rehearsal dinner...I do not have any digital wedding pictures...

We went on a cruise for our honeymoon, and if you have ever cruised, you know this is one of the first things you do when you get on the ship.

And we became a family...our precious, precious Anna Lauren...

And we started running together and completed a 1/2 marathon together in December 2007. We will be doing another 1/2 marathon in December.

And what we consider one of our greatest accomplishments...our triathlons...this year was my first year, and what a joy it was to do them with Matthew!
Now the funny did we celebrate our anniversary?
6 AM ~ Ran six miles
10 AM ~ Went to a 2 year olds birthday party at the was super hot!
1 PM ~ Took a nap while Anna Lauren napped (highlight of the day)
5 PM ~ Had dinner at the park with friends...the Voss' were in town so that was a special treat!
7 PM ~ Grocery shopped at Wal-Mart
Matt looked at me and said, if you had told me this is how we would be celebrating our 5th anniversary 5 years ago, I would have said no way.
And then our sweet sweet friends (Big and Little Buddy) babysat Anna Lauren Sunday night, and we got to go on a date (dinner and Target)...woo hoo!


Jeremy and Christy said...

Happy anniversary!! May God continue to bless your family and bring you many more happy years! We love you guys!!

K Storm said...

Happy anniversary! Funny how those dates change after kids, huh? Often we'll go to some nice restaurant and then to Home Depot or something...and we'll run into friends doing the same thing. Romance changes its definition.