I know this is very "unlike" us, but we have not taken many pictures lately...I'll try to get some of Anna Lauren this weekend...that should be interesting as she screams "no" when I pick up the camera these days. If only she could say "no mam"...this "no" business drives me crazy...I am the mommy who makes the rules not Anna Lauren, right? Would someone please tell her that?
As most of you know, for the past 22 weeks, Matt and I have been training for the St. Jude 1/2 marathon...well, the time came, and we raced last weekend. Despite the cold, we had a great run and finished within our "goal" time! Thanks to Nanna we got to spend the weekend in Memphis and have a little Matt and Mandi time, which is always nice! Below are a few pictures of us...the first one is around mile 4ish and the rest are of us finishing...
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Get really used to hearing "NO!" from your most precious child ...
congrats on finishing....and by the way, we aren't really running, just in case you were wondering. :) i wish i could really get into it, but....
i'm glad you guys got some time for yourselves! we miss you and love you!
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