Friday, December 16, 2011

Ballet Recital...

Last night we enjoyed Anna Lauren's ballet recital...and I'm not sure who enjoyed it or her.  She has LOVED ballet and gets so excited at recital time...again, I think she just LOVES a stage...not sure it matters what she is doing on that stage!

Anna Lauren was a little disappointed that Nanna and MeMe were not going to be at her recital.  It was horrible...I talked to mom and she was crying because she couldn't come and then Anna Lauren cried on the way home from school because Nanna wasn't coming.  BUT...Nanna to the rescue...she got Matt to stop and get her a happy...a good luck balloon and PEZ made it all better!

And I almost cried trying to get the bun in the hair...Nanna typically does that for Anna Lauren.  However, a lot of bobby pins and hairspray and we made it to the recital with a "decent" bun.

And yes, Cooper went in his pajamas (cannot believe I did that, but I was too tired to care...busy, busy week got the best of me)...their recital wasn't until 7:30, which is Cooper's bed time so he was ready to come straight home and crawl into bed. 

Anna Lauren being introduced...

I looked up while they were introducing all the girls and Anna Lauren is peaking around the curtain.  Yes, she was supposed to be BEHIND the curtain!

Just another one of Holli Grace's many faces...I always get these "crazy" shots of her!

This picture makes me smile...this face is all I need to see to know she is having so much fun!

These girls...breaks my heart to think they'll be separated in August...what wonderful memories they have made these first five years together!

So proud of her flowers from Daddy.  She has it figured out though...we got home before him yesterday and she said, I know where Daddy is...he is buying my flowers for tonight!

The girls...Anna Lauren, Holli Grace, Kenly, and Jordan...

Uh oh...Cooper seemed to like the stage too.  Matt and I really have our hands full with these two kiddos!

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