Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Storm...

Almost two weeks ago, a storm/tornadoes came through and affected several areas of Mississippi.  Although we had a pretty scary hour, thankfully we were in a safe pocket and did not have any damage. And even better, Anna Lauren slept through the whole thing...she would have been a nervous wreck and asked a million questions because she does not like bad weather.

Our house actually sits on a hill but just a couple houses down the street will flood if rain comes down really hard in a short period of time.  After the storm blew over we went outside to find a car stuck in the water where the street was flooded.

LOVE that we have good neighbors and every one of the men got out in knee deep water and helped this poor lady.  They have pushed it a good way...the water was 1/2 way up her door.  The car died and she couldn't get out of the car.  Needless to say, she probably didn't make a wise decision to drive this expensive Mercedes through the water.  Pretty sure it was totaled...should have seen the water gush out when they put it on the tow truck.

Got to love Ms. Robbie...she decided she would stop any traffic trying to get through...

And the look on her face cracks me up...this is really what she thought about the crazies who thought they could drive through the water.

By this time, the water had started draining off the street...within 30 minutes, it was all gone.  In the four years we have lived in our house, this has only happened twice.  Every time I'm thankful we are on the hill.

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