Friday, June 6, 2008

Preparing for Race Day...

If you have a baby, you think you "must" get the travel system (car seat, car seat base, and stroller that all go together). Well, since Anna Lauren was about 2 months old our stroller has lived in the top of Matt's closet...Anna Lauren spends the majority of her time in the running stroller and if not there in her umbrella stroller.

In the midst of getting everything ready for Matt's big race tomorrow, we decided to get the stroller down because we think it will be the best stroller for "race day"...and guess what...Anna Lauren got so was like we had given her a new toy!

We turned our backs for just a few minutes, and when we turned around this is what we saw...I'm telling you...she was having the best time! Isn't she funny?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want my tongue in her ass