Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Scared...

This afternoon I was unpacking Anna Lauren's bags from our trip, and I was certain she was playing on her bed. Two seconds later when I turned around she was on the other bed in her room, and I asked her how she got there...she said, I jumped...I said, show me! And sure enough...she can jump from one bed to the other. My cousin Carrie always had twin beds, and I can remember us doing this, but at 2...I don't think so!

Of course, we were the bad parents that let her continue enjoying herself by jumping over and over and over...remind us of this when we call you from the ER reporting she has injured herself.

And for your enjoyment, here is a clip of our little monkey jumping on the beds!

1 comment:

meurrier said...

I seriously think she and Myla were separated at birth. Myla is such a jumper. She jumps off our ottoman into her pink chair all the time...scares me to death! I'm sure one of these days, one of us will have a "Visit to the ER" post!