Week before last, we went to dinner at Wendy's (choices are limited when you have 4 toddlers) and to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa with our friends the Williams and the Wrights. Although none of the kids were interested in sitting in Santa's lap, they did give him some attention and the night was fun for all! We love making Christmas memories with our sweet friends!
After dinner, Anna Lauren got to open an "early" Christmas present in the car from Ady (Adam) and Jack Jack (Jack)...
She LOVED her new namies (pajamas) and snowman book. We had to put her new namies on as soon as we got back in the car from seeing Santa...
This picture is funny to me...she is watching Dora and holding on to her new namies and book...got to love that face!
Anna Lauren was fascinated by a race track they had set up for the kids to play with...for some reason, I didn't get any pictures of Ann Hardie, but you can see her in the background of this picture...she is just precious!
This is hilarious...Katie and I were trying so hard to get these 4 kiddos to sit in Santa's lap...no such luck! However, they paid him some attention...just not going to sit in his lap!
Not sure what Anna Lauren was doing, but I love this picture of her...this is what she has been like this Christmas season...just in awe of it all!
Anna Lauren trying to be sneaky...she would get a candy cane out of Santa's basket and take off...
Anna Lauren found what someone could buy her for Christmas...a PINK four wheeler...
What about if I sit beside Santa and take my picture? The week we were going to see Santa, she told me all week that she was going to sit on the floor beside him, guess she was telling the truth...
And the longer we stayed, the more she liked Santa...he got many high fives!
And then she decided she really liked Santa when she realized he would be the one bringing that bike she wants so bad...she decided she better tell him that she wanted a bike, some rain boots, and a purse...
Adam finally decided he better tell Santa what he wanted too...
And the time came for little boys and girls to go home so they had to tell Santa bye bye...
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