Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mississippi College Football...

Some things have changed since I graduated from Mississippi College 8 years ago...just to name two: (1) tailgatin' for football games and (2) boys in the girls dorm. I almost fell out when I walked into my cousin's dorm room and saw a boy...I mean back in the day daddys and brothers were not even allowed!

If you read last week, you know Anna Lauren is "obsessed" with Anna being a cheerleader and going to watch her cheer at the games. So Saturday afternoon we headed to Clinton to tailgate with the family and to watch Anna cheer. It was hot, but we had lots of fun and Anna Lauren truly loves watching Anna...she sits and doesn't move for 3 hours...it is amazing!


Anna and Anna Lauren...I'm telling you, she is "obsessed" with Anna. So much that we could not leave the game until it was over because she had to hug Anna bye. And then for a special treat, she got to go see Anna's dorm room...she was on cloud 9!

Anna and Mallory...

Mallory was enjoying her cupcake and cookie...

Baby Claire...

Anna, 2nd from right...we were not able to get as close as we did last week, but Anna Lauren was still able to watch her every move!

Can you tell she loves it? She just sat all by herself and watched and cheered!

1 comment:

meurrier said...

Boys in the dorms????? What is that all about??