Thursday, August 16, 2012


On Tuesday, Anna Lauren's teacher sent several homework pages home and said to return them on Friday.  We attempted to work on them Tuesday night, but she was tired and asked to go to bed.  Yesterday she did a good bit of it at after school.  Today she didn't remind her after school teacher she had homework so we attempted to do it as soon as we got home.  Let's just say she was NOT interested...I heard it all...this is boring, my hand hurts, I shouldn't have to do homework, on and on and on. 

I finally put Matt in charge because I could NOT understand...if a teacher gave me anything to do, I would have been the one to turn it in on Wednesday even though it was not due until Friday.  Matt on the other hand was just laughing...he said he made all those same excuses. 

At one point I thought she was actually doing her homework...oh no...she was found decorating a plate, which she then hung on the fridge.  Anything to avoid the homework...

We ended the night by her getting in trouble and being sent to her room...Matt went upstairs to get her so she could finish her homework...she was sound asleep.  He thought she was faking but he said, no really...she was snoring.  Guess we'll finish that one last thing tomorrow not my way of doing things. 

This may be a "fun" year of having "fun"...but...not a fun year of homework!  Let's hope it gets better because I'm confident the homework will continue.

And this is what we have rather than completed homework!

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