Friday, July 11, 2014

St. Paul 4th of July Program...

Last week Cooper's school had a 4th of July program...

Marching in with his class...the finger, his "nervous" habit...

Can we say "country kid" came to town?  He was suppose to wear red, white, and blue so I had cute blue shorts and a red shirt picked out for him to wear.  However, he was determined to wear his "button" blue jeans (worn out and 3 inches too short) and his boots. He had been crying the past few mornings when we left him at school so we thought what the heck...if he will just go to school happy.  And then...his pant leg is stuck in his boot through the whole program...just one of those "got to laugh" moments.

Proudly holding the sunshine he painted while he sings "You Are My Sunshine"...

Holding the Bible he colored while singing "The B-I-B-L-E"...

He was all smiles throughout the whole program and was so proud of himself when it was over.  And yes, we were just a little proud too!

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