Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hospitality Room...

Josh Brooks, Millsaps Athletic Director, asked Leah and I if we would decorate the hospitality room for the conference tournament last weekend.  Of course, we love this kind of stuff so we gladly said yes and quickly got on pinterest.  We were a little concerned at first, but once we were all done, we were very pleased and thought it turned out super cute.

The garland actually turned out really cute, and I love that we didn't throw purple and white in everyone's face.  We were sure to include all 8 teams...

Of course...not a party/function without my favorite jars. We decided against flowers because it needed to be set up for 3 days, and we didn't want flowers to start looking bad on day 3.

We used a little purple and white because that is just what we have, but we did try to keep it to a minimum.

Sam came in the afternoon we were decorating and drew on the know, she had to add her touch too!

Just another reason I love my's not always about accounting...I get to do lots of other "fun" stuff too!

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