Saturday, March 21, 2015

Nerf Gun War...

Anna Lauren spent Monday through Wednesday of Spring Break with Nanna while Matt, Cooper, and I went to work and school. Sam didn't go home to Miami and her friend, Rayner, had to stay for softball. boys were SUPER excited when Sam and Rayner came over Monday night for dinner and a little nerf gun war.  And honestly, I'm not sure which kid (including Matt) had more fun!

Sam and Matt ended up behind the rail upstairs and obviously they were tired of bullets hitting them in their face so they put on Cooper's masks...

Looks like they are coming up with a plan of attack...they were making me laugh so hard.

Rayner and Cooper shot from downstairs...

The smiles this night...I had the best time just sitting back watching them and thankful we had two college kids who could have been anywhere and they chose to hang out with this cool little 4 year old!

One of my favorites of Rayner...

Shooting all while protecting her face...

This went on for a good hour, and like I said, I'm just not even sure who had the most fun.  I'm also not sure I'll ever pick up all the bullets...I will be finding them around the house for quite some time.

And then this happened...she bailed and found her a pack of cookies. To be so little, this kid can eat and eat and eat some more! Our family is loving every minute of these fun college kids!

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