Wednesday, May 7, 2008

First Hair Cut...

I know...I know...the child does not really have enough hair to be cut! But...I had in my head that if I got it "trimmed" it would grow thicker and healthier. So...I made an appointment with Louis and we went this afternoon. When we first got there, Anna Lauren was watching Louis cut someone else's hair and was just fine. Then her daddy walked in the door, and I think at that point she knew something must be about to happen...strange man cutting hair, mommy, daddy, camera, etc. She began to wimper and we begin thinking maybe this wasn't just a great idea.

Then it was our turn and Louis was fabulous...of course he is a perfectionist to say the least so he was determined to cut every piece of hair on her head (just as he does mine). He told me to stand and hold Anna Lauren, and he would just move with her head. He was so quick and made every move she made...not to mention, listened to her scream the whole time...she hated it!

Yes, we have taken the passie away (except at nap and night time), but we thought it may help the such luck...she continued to scream!

Can you believe it? She has enough hair to be held by a clip...she is such a big girl!

It was worth the screaming...look how pretty her hair is laying now.

Proudly showing off her new hair worries...she was not traumatized for that long...she was as happy as she could be once she got home.


meurrier said...

So sweet!! I think it makes her look older. I love that little outfit too!!! Even though it was traumatic, maybe it will make her hair grow faster and thicker. :)

Anonymous said...

It worked for Rileigh! Look at all her hair now. We would have done it sooner had we known it would have made as much of a difference as it did! She looks so adorable! It really has been a while since we have seen you guys!