Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad News and Good News...

Bad News: Less than a month has passed since the Williams (our dear neighbors) listed their house and yes, they now have a contract and will be moving the end of the month. We are thrilled for them as they are ready to make the next step in their life, but we are going to miss them so very much. So for now, we will cherish the time we have with them. Anna Lauren? Not sure how she is going to handle her best buddy (Adam or better known as Ady) not being two doors down...the poor new neighbors...I'm sure I will have to take her over to meet them and explain that it is no longer Adam's house...they are going to think we are nuts as we welcome them to the neighborhood with our two year old screaming for Ady!

Good News: Rachel (our precious Ra Ra) is not leaving Ridgecrest! She was offered a job at another daycare, but they led her on to believe that it was going to be more than it actually was once it was all said and done. So for 30 more minutes a day and $.25 more an hour, she has decided it is not worth her changing jobs. Needless to say, I was jumping for joy yesterday! With that being said, I do have to prepare myself because her plan is to go to nursing school in August, which means there is no way she can work. But...I want her to continue her education so I think I can prepare myself for August.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that is such a relief for you guys!! I'm happy for you! Rachel really is great with those kids!