Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cooper's Rock Collection...

On Monday afternoon, the daycare director called to inform me that Cooper had put a rock in his nose.  She said she tried and could not get it out...but...maybe Cooper would blow it out for me.  I left work and headed to the daycare...I attempted to get the rock out once, and decided I would prefer the doctor do it rather then me make it worse.  Matt was actually on his way to the doctor to get a form for Cooper's new school (story for another day) so he asked them if they could squeeze Cooper in to see Dr. Joe.  Thankfully, they said YES!

You can see the rock in his left nostril...

He was pretty pitiful until I pulled my phone out to take a picture...he then said "cheese".  On the way to the doctor, he repeated over and over...Dr. Joe get it out, Dr. Joe get it out, Dr. Joe get it out.  Thankfully Dr. Joe was able to pop it right out and Cooper didn't even cry...I think he was relieved it was out!  Hopefully a lesson has been learned and this will not happen again...he has for sure proved he is a BOY!

And here is his rock collection we will add to his box of keepsakes.  The one on the right came out of his nose.  I was surprised to find the others when I changed his diaper...we will never know how they got in his diaper...he said he ate them...surely not!

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