Friday, November 6, 2015

NWR Football Game...

Since Anna Lauren participated in the NWR cheer clinic she could cheer with the high school cheerleaders during the 1st quarter of the football game last Friday night.  Due to weather, Trick or Treating got changed to Friday night, but Anna Lauren wasn't concerned...she was going to cheer at the football game.

It was senior night, and we just happened to get there in time to see our our most favorite senior...Kat!

Cooper and I took Anna Lauren down to the field and then found a seat in the bleachers...few minutes later I look down and see this. Think she was in heaven?  Let me help...yes, she was!

She went to almost every practice with these girls this summer so some of them she got to know pretty well...

She ADORES Kat...not sure what we are going to do if Kat doesn't babysit this summer.

This is just a little scary...she thinks she is as old as them...she probably learned more than most 8 year olds this past summer because I can assure you she listened to every single word they said.

She loved the pom poms...

Such a fun night to get to watch these two cheer together.  Her only complaint was...why couldn't I cheer the entire game?  She wanted to keep cheering.  However, pretty sure she will have plenty of opportunities to cheer at many, many more games in her life unless she does a 360 and decides to quit cheer...that is no where in the thought process at this point.  She loves it!

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