Sunday, September 11, 2016

Girls Trip ~ Day 1

Around this time last year, we found out Sam would be doing an 8 week clinical rotation in Boston.  My wheels immediately started turning because Matt and I LOVED Boston when we went several years ago.  Then Matt mentioned maybe we should do a girls trip. And then Pop Pop started a savings plan with Anna story short, we told Anna Lauren if she saved enough money to buy her own plane ticket, we would go on a girls trip.  Well, she was determined and thanks to Pop Pop she bought her own plane ticket and had spending money when we got there.

On Thursday, September 1st, Anna Lauren and I loaded up and headed to New Orleans to fly to Boston.  Not sure who was more excited...pretty sure we were equally as excited!!!

At this point, she was so excited about the airport/getting to fly...after several hours, she was over that and just wanted to be there...ha ha!

We had some time in New Orleans before we boarded our flight, so we went ahead and got her math homework out of the way...

One SUPER excited little girl...honestly, I think she bounced all was so fun to watch her excitement!

We left home at 9 AM and finally got to Boston at 9 PM...long day of traveling, and at this point, we were just ready to see Sam!!! After we grabbed our luggage, we headed to the house were Sam is staying...ate some pizza, visited for a few minutes, and crashed. We were tired and knew we had a big day the next day!

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